Solar in New York: Legislation, Training, Jobs |
It’s not easy for any government at this time, state or federal, to know how to best heal the hurting economies. It is often very difficult for state governments to see the benefits of spending money now and putting themselves further in debt, but for a plan that will pay for itself in the future and actually help the economy. One of the best examples of this is in New York, where the New York Solar Industry Development and Jobs Act is fighting through both the Assembly and Senate, backed by the solar industry and several environmental groups. New York utility companies are pushing back against the piece in the legislation that would require them to increase the amount of solar electricity produced to 2.5% by 2025. But the Act could create over 22,000 jobs and a huge boost for New York’s economy.
New York has always been excited about solar, but has not always had the government support it needs to help boost the industry, in both legislation and incentives. This Act would give the NY solar industry a huge push towards making it an American leader. Hopefully with a larger percent of the public realizing the economic benefits of helping to grow the solar industry, the incentives would also start to grow. Currently the incentives for NY projects are $1.75/watt for residential systems up to 5kW, for commercial systems up to 50kW and for not-for-profit systems up to 25 kW (each incentive cannot exceed 50% of the total cost of the system). This certainly does somewhat offset the cost of buying a solar electric system, but it does not do as much as other states do. The Development Act would also implement the ability to use SREC’s, or Solar Renewable Energy Certificates. What these mean is that, since utilities must provide a percentage of their power from renewable, the utility companies essentially write an annual check to the solar powered homeowner, to pay for the renewable energy that they have produced! This allows solar system owners to get even more money back from their system over time.
In preparation for the intended growth of the industry, New York, following the examples set by many other states, is holding trainings for Solar Installers. With 22,000 jobs that will be created if the Act passes, it’s a smart choice for New Yorkers to make sure they are ready for this next big jump into solar. In the interest of helping to educate New York on a broader level, New York is also hosting the 7th Annual Renewable Energy Finance Forum on Wall Street. Though understanding about the financial benefits of going green is spreading quickly, events like this will make sure that it continues to spread and become state-wide and national knowledge. In order for the industry to keep growing, it’s crucial that both legislators and investors are on board for this next step in the process.
But solar isn’t only kept to the government or banks. This year it has managed to find its way into sports. The MetLife Elite Cycling Team is powered by Vermont-based company groSolar, who is pushing how crucial it is to understand how even such a simple act as riding a bike can help change the planet.