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Home Customer Spotlight Spotlight on Vermont
Solar in Vermont: large scale solar, rebates, SolarFest

Vermont has been the Green Mountain State since the 1700s. But now it is starting to become green in far more ways than just its rolling hills and lush forests. Burlington, Vermont was recently named the 8th best city for the next decade, due largely to the efforts in the city and its surroundings on green action. Recently groSolar worked with the local food Co-op, which specializes in locally Vermont products, to put enough solar on its roof to cover 3% of the power needs. And Burlington didn’t just stop with groSolar installing the panels. groSolar also offered three seminars at Burlington’s City Market Co-op called “Solar Made Simple” to help the locals understand why solar electric is a smart choice for both businesses and homeowners.
                Though Vermonters tend to be green-minded, the government has not always been supportive in providing incentives or rebates for potential solar homeowners. However, there are always some periods of increased available funds, which companies like groSolar are eager to take advantage of. In May, another chunk of funding was given to the Vermont Small-Scale Renewable Energy Rebate program and made available by the Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund, meaning that residential and commercial solar PV systems can get a rebate of $1.50/watt for a system up to 10kW and commercial solar PV systems can get $1.00/watt for the next 50 kW and $.50/watt for the next 90 kW. This provides rebates for Vermont photovoltaic systems up to 150kW in size.
                And Vermont’s legislation is slowly but surely moving towards a greener future. Local businesses such as groSolar are actively trying to convey to Vermont’s government that a green future will create a healthier Vermont economy, since purchasing solar from local companies such as groSolar enables the money to be fed back into the market and allows groSolar to create more jobs for Vermonters in the green energy field. This May The Renewable Energy Bill H.781 was passed which hopefully will continue to make solar electricity in Vermont a simple, smart economic and sustainable choice.
                Vermont also has fun with its love for all things green. This year Tinmouth, Vermont will host the 16th Annual SolarFest, named one of the Top 10 Summer Events in Vermont for 2010 by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce. The festival, which is entirely run by renewable energy sources, primarily solar, is a fun, exciting weekend filled with live music performances, workshops and seminars on solar and other sustainable living topics, and vendors and exhibitors, largely locally based Vermont companies, including groSolar.
                And although Vermont is small, it is starting to think big in terms of solar projects. The state’s largest solar energy project, a 1.2 megawatt PV system in Ferrisburgh, Vermont is in the works, with intended completion by December. The system will power 170 area homes every year, and as it is situated near a local high school, will provide great opportunities in solar education, helping young Vermonters make Vermont an even more Green-Minded State!