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Medallion Dealer Forms & Training Tools

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Co-op Advertising Application - request co-op funding for ads, shows and more!

Commercial Lead Qualification

Commercial PV Intake Form

Residential Quick Qualifier

Medallion Dealer Sales & Marketing Training

We had an exceptional training in San Diego. A special thank you to everyone who came and participated. If you missed it, we hope to see you next time. Attendants were armed with exercises to work through with their employees, new sales tools, qualification forms, unique selling propositions and much more.

Top level takeaways we determined together:

- Community Outreach is Imperative; Wine & Cheese Events are affordable, simple to execute and exciting!
- groSolar Residential PV Solutions Make Ordering and Sizing Simple
- Selling Successfully takes qualification, a standardized process and passion
- groSolar’s engineering expertise, world-class service, product line and experience are for Medallion’s to leverage

groSolar is happy to share the following with our Medallion Dealers:

Persona Work – dial in your customer
Marketing Presentation
Community Outreach Presentation – feel free to adapt to your company and your efforts
“Selling Solar” PowerPoint – for your reference
Engineering PowerPoint Presentation – also for your reference
Motech Training
ReadyWatt Overview