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groEnergy Watch: See Solar Power Work

groEnergy Watch : See Solar Power WorkgroSolar is pleased to introduce groEnergy Watch, designed by our industry-leading engineering team for use in monitoring residential PV systems. Compatible with any web browser, groEnergy Watch lets you see your solar electric system at work.

How do I know my solar system is working?

Your solar electric system from groSolar is an investment in your home and your future. Don't you want to see it at work? groEnergy Watch monitoring is easy to buy and easy to own. It will work from any web browser to give you a front row seat to your solar electric system at work. There is nothing for you to install - groSolar's experienced team of technicians will seamlessly integrate this plug and play technology with your inverter. groSolar can also remotely upgrade the field units as new features and applications become available.

Add groEnergy Watch to your solar purchase today by calling 800.GO.SOLAR or by completing our Solar Evaluation.

groEnergy Watch