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March 31, 2011

"Longwood Gardens Constructing Solar Field for Energy Production" by Fran Maye |
March 6, 2011

"Is Home Solar Market Dimming?" by Chris Fleisher |
February 27, 2011
"Logan landfill uses solar power to clean water," by Rebecca Forand |
February 25, 2011
"'Going Solar' is Hot for Landfills," by Alexis Petru |
February 24, 2011
"Solar Power Helping To Decontaminate Groundwater In N.J." |
February 17, 2011
"Leading residential solar installer looks east," by Heather Clancy |
February 17, 2011
"SolarCity Looks East to Buy groSolar," Ucilia Wang |
February 17, 2011
"SolarCity taps groSolar to bring solar leasing east," by Martin LaMonica |
January 30, 2011
"New London's Flying Goose Going Solar," by Chris Fleisher |
January 26, 2011
"New Hampshire pub raises a glass to solar power," by Chris Whitmore |
January 23, 2011
Opinion: "Martha Staskus: A Renewable Jobs Future in Vermont" |
January 20, 2011
"Let the Clean Energy Shine in Attleboro," by Margie Kelley |
January 20, 2011
"Report Urges Action to Reduce Red Tape for Solar PV Permits, Inspections" |
January 20, 2011
"Quechee Library Gets Solar Grant," by Gareth Henderson |
January 20, 2011
The Middlebury Campus |
"Otter Creek Bakery installs solar panels," by Maddie Kahn |
January 16, 2011
"Solar power comes to sanctuary" |
January 14, 2011
"Looking at the sunny side," by George W. Rhodes |
January 13, 2011
"Farm-Way find a way through the recession," by Joyce Marcel |
January 1, 2011
"Solar Boston Permitting Guide Released by the City of Boston," by Peter Flannery |
December 15, 2010
"Kudos to the greenest ML pub of them all," by Mike Weilbacher |
December 6, 2010
"Solar system up at Omega," by Jaime Cone |
November 23, 2010
"What is the Future of Solar Roof Technology - Part 1," by Lucas Hamilton |
November 9, 2010
"U.S. Solar Power Market Assessment: An Interview with Gaelan Brown of groSolar" |
October 26, 2010

"Washington County senate race: 7 seek 3" |
October 18, 2010
"Danvers woman's home to produce green energy for town," by Steven Ryan |
October 14, 2010

"Two Solar Farms (and Eight Sheep)" |
October 12, 2010
"Lamb Energy, Bethel Heights Vineyard Install Solar Power Systems, SAS Adds Second Solar Farm" |
October 11, 2010
"Solar Farm at SAS Grows Megawatts and Well-fed Sheep" |
October 9, 2010
"Stimulus Tracker: Rebates have solar panel business booming," by Kathleen E. Carey |
October 4, 2010
"Largest U.S. Solar Energy Event Invites the Public to Learn More About How to Go Solar: Free Public Night Oct. 4 at Solar Power International 2010, Los Angeles Convention Center" |
October 4, 2010
"Green Myths, Condos Weigh Fact and Fiction about 'Going Green'," by Pat Gale |
September 28, 2010
Jeff Wolfe Featured on the Joy Cardin show on Wisconsin Public Radio |
September 27, 2010
"Solar Vermont, eShine," by Clayton-Paul Cormier, Jr. |
September 26, 2010
"The Weekly Planet: Businesses across the state see the light," by Susan Allen |
September 19, 2010
"With Hawaii, Cheap Solar PPAs Are Now in Nine US States," By Susan Kraemer |
September 16, 2010
"Who is the 'Market' for Green? Find out at SPI10" |
September 10, 2010
"40 Under 40 Awards - The Class of 2010" |
September 9, 2010
"Colchester Winery Bottles Power Of Sun" (video) |
September 8, 2010
"A Textbook Example: Why American Schools Must Go Green," by Michael Laine |
September 8, 2010
"This NASCAR Driver Fuels Up On Tofurky: Meet Leilani Munter," by Chris Elam |
September 8, 2010
"Gov. hopefuls take to the road Democrats, Dubie visit Brattleboro today" |
September 8, 2010
"Dueling tours: Democrats, Dubie criss-cross the state on campaign swings," by Daniel Barlow |
September 7, 2010
"Sixth Annual Wisconsin Solar Decade Conference Announced as Summer Heats Up" |
September 2, 2010
"Milk, eggs and solar: grocery co-op puts photovoltaics to work" |
September 2, 2010
"Priam Vineyards taps sun for cost savings," by Ryan Blessing |
September 1, 2010
"Solar power is money saver for Bethesda private school and Montgomery County Public Schools," by Cody Calamaio |
August 31, 2010
"GREENandSAVE Racecar Driver Featured on Green Heroes" |
August 27, 2010
"Colchester winery taps sun's power," by Ryan Blessing |
August 25, 2010
groSolar Named #780 on Inc. 5000 List |
August 19, 2010
"Colchester's Priam Vineyards Harnessing The Sun Even More," by Peter Marteka |
August 18, 2010
"The 4 Best Ways to Go Solar Without Breaking the Bank," by Timothy B. Hurst |
August 17, 2010
"Growth With A Mission: Dorothy and Jeffrey Wolfe of groSolar," by Joyce Marcel |
August 7, 2010
"Internal Combustion Engines Are Still 85% Inefficient," by Susan Kraemer |
August 5, 2010
Jeff Wolfe Interview at Intersolar in Germany (2 parts) |
August 5, 2010
"Rays Of Hope For Solar Power," by Sabri Ben-Achour |
August 5, 2010
"My Turn: Vermont needs leadership, not just stewardship," by Jeff Wolfe |
August 3, 2010
"Sidwell Friends School Uses Innovative Funding to Install Solar on School" |
Summer 2010
"A (Green) Power Couple" |
July 30, 2010
"Private D.C. school goes solar with 120 panels," by Danny Vo |
July 30, 2010
Vt. company picked for solar project at Obama's kids' school |
July 30, 2010
"Vt. company to install solar panels at Obama's kids' school," by Daniel Barlow |
July 29, 2010
WAMU NPR Affiliate Story about Sidwell Friends School Solar Installation (MP3) |
July 20, 2010
"At home, panel discussions," by Joseph Kahn |
July 20, 2010
"U.S.: FiT for Energy Independence," by Gaelan Brown |
July 16, 2010
"Solar energy installations in greater Philadelphia," by Robert Magyar |
July 9, 2010
"Catching some rays," by Casey Conley |
July 1, 2010
"Princeton Discovers Solar," by Elizabeth Madrigal |
June 25, 2010
"Solar Access Laws for Homeowner's Associations" |
June 23, 2010
"Solar Job Spotlight: A Solar Jack of All Trades" |
June 16, 2010
"Shining the Light on Solar Power at Home," by Mark Strella |
June 10, 2010
"groSolar Grows Solar Financing Options," by Lindsay Riddell |
June 9, 2010
"Milestone: 10 Gigawatts of PV in 2010, Part 1," by Eric Wesoff |
June 9, 2010
"New Phila.-area foray into leasing of solar-energy systems," by Diane Mastrull |
June 3, 2010
"How 1BOG Helps Make Solar More Appealing to Mainstream Customers," by Warren Schirtzinger |
May 26, 2010
"We say sun, baby, sun" |
May 26, 2010

"10 best cities for the next decade" |
May 14, 2010
Winters News |
"Treatment facility goes solar," by Julia McCandless |
May 13, 2010
Channel News: 5.13.10 |
May 6, 2010
"Northwestern Regional begins using solar panels at full capacity," by David Hutter |
May 5, 2010
"Northwestern Regional School to debut solar energy project Thursday," by David Hutter |
April 21, 2010
"Get Your Green Job Here!" |
April 2010
"The Power of Area" groSolar's Ted Petsas is featured in Scholastic Magazine's DynaMath |
April 18, 2010
"National Green Festival Suggests S.F's Local Color is a Similar Hue," by Erin Milnes |
April 16, 2010
"MetLife Returns as Pro-Cycling Team's Title Sponsor" |
April 1, 2010
"The New groSolar Ad Campaign" |
March 30, 2010 |
groSolar's Tim Grahl testifies at the DC Public Roundtable, Committee on Government Operations & The Environment |
March 30, 2010
"Solar Wednesday: Canadian adopt's Zep's Modular Racks and SunPower Grows in Italy," by Michael Kanellos |
March 29, 2010
"MP2 Capital Completes Solar PV System to Power Connecticut School District" |
March 26, 2010
"Residents Assail Solar Energy," by Sabri Ben-Achour |
March 2010
"Pumping Electrons," by John Seigenthaler, P.E. |
March 24, 2010
"Job-training partnership for solar installers," by Tom Abate |
March 23, 2010
"Report: Solar Could Meet 10% of US Energy Needs" |
March 22, 2010
"groSolar banks on 'can-do' spirit" |
March 16, 2010
"The Solar Revolution" |
March 12, 2010
"City Market Roof, Energy Bill Get Upgrades" |
March 12, 2010
"City Market goes green," by Molly Smith |
March 11, 2010
"The Big Question: What's Next After Copenhagen?" compiled by David Appelyard |
March 9, 2010 |
NEWS: Solar industry pledges support for Sanders' rebate bill |
March 9, 2010
New Report Outlines Bold New Vision for Solar in America |
February 28, 2010
"Yankee debate, like grid, will keep humming," by Daniel Barlow |
February 24, 2010
"Some Companies Expand, But Jobs Won't Be Created Immediately," by Ross Sneyd |
February 22, 2010
"groSolar to Distribute and Install SOLON Photovoltaic Modules" |
February 21, 2010
"A new array above the grocery fray in Vermont," by Joel Banner Baird |
February 15, 2010
"Go green at home," by Liz Riegel |
February 10, 2010
"1BOG gets funding for a new way to sell solar," by Scott Duke Harris |
February 2010
Spotlight on our underwriters: groSolar |
February 9, 2010
"Sen. Sanders Introduces 10 Million Solar Home Initiative" |
February 2010
"Senate Hearing Reveals Policy Priorities For Solar," by Jessica Lillian |
February 5, 2010
Over the Wall: Episode 35 - Leilani Munter ARCA Driver |
February 5, 2010 |
"Bill Calls for Federal Solar Rebates" |
January 2010
Naturally New England |
Building Advice from the Pros (see page 4) |
January/February 2010
Progress Energy Carolinas and MP2 Capital plan largest solar array in North Carolina |
January 29, 2010
"Leilani Munter's Green Team Roars On To Daytona" |
January 29, 2010
"Solar power CEOs seek piece of House's jobs pie," by Jennifer Dlouhy |
January 28, 2010
"Salazar Tells Congress of Hundreds of Thousands of Domestic Jobs in Solar Energy," by Stacy Feldman |
January 28, 2010
groSolar CEO, Jeff Wolfe, Testifies Before US Senate Environmental & Public Works Committee (go to minute 95:15) |
January 27, 2010
"Another bright idea at Natick's Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary," by Charlie Breitrose |
January 25, 2010
"Senate Dems Build Case to Include Clean Energy, Solar in Jobs Bill," by Katherine Ling |
January 2010
groSolar Featured on FYI Philly for the Philadelphia Home Show (minute 11:50) |
January 15, 2010
"Northwestern Regional School solar panels nearly ready," by David Hutter |
January 14, 2010
NYSERDA putting $10 million into solar |
January 2010
"Light Energy," by Virginia Lindauer Simmon |
January 10, 2010
The Norwich Times |
"St. Barnabas Goes Green with Solar Energy" |
January 3, 2010
"Upper Valley Business 2010: Proceed with Caution," by Sarwar Kashmeri |
Press Releases
March 16, 2011 |
groSolar Named One of Constant Contact's 2010 All Stars |
February 24, 2011 |
Clean Solar Electricity to Power Environmental Clean-Up and Groundwater Decontamination Project |
February 17, 2011 |
groSolar Expands Solar Distribution and Commercial Business |
January 24, 2011 |
First Solar Powered Brewery in New Hampshire |
November 18, 2010 |
VA Homeowner Saves $24,000 On Solar Power Installation |
October 27, 2010 |
Massachusetts Developer Installs Solar Power, Again |
October 11, 2010 |
SAS Completes Second Solar Farm |
October 7, 2010 |
groSolar Announces New "Dealer Training Program" |
October 7, 2010 |
Fourth Generation Family Farm Goes Solar |
September 16, 2010 |
Massachusetts Homeowners Save Big with Solar |
September 1, 2010 |
New Jersey Homeowner Subsidizes Income with Solar Electricity |
August 11, 2010 |
SunRun Brings Pennsylvania Homeowners Clean Alternative to Utility Electricity |
July 23, 2010 |
Sidwell Friends School Uses Innovative Bond Mechanism to Install Solar on Lower School |
June 15, 2010 |
groSolar Offers Residential Solar Lease Program in Pennsylvania |
May 20, 2010 |
groSolar Opens New Office in Pennsylvania |
May 13, 2010 |
groSolar Offers Free Webinar: "PV Module Supply - How To Navigate Supply Constraints in 2010" |
May 10, 2010 |
groSolar Accelerates Distribution with Industry Veterans |
May 5, 2010 |
groSolar and DECK Bring groEnergy Watch Monitoring to Large Scale PV |
April 28, 2010 |
Sunward Announces Installation Partnership with groSolar |
April 9, 2010 |
MetLife Cycling Team Powered by groSolar |
April 5, 2010 |
UVBEP Coordinates Job Shadow Day for Nearly 700 Eighth Graders |
March 31, 2010 |
Canadian Solar Releases NewEdge Roof-Mounting Solar Panels in USA |
March 30, 2010 |
groSolar Announces National Zep Week: April 19-23, 2010 |
March 25, 2010 |
groSolar Aims to Mainstream Solar Power |
March 22, 2010 |
One Block Off the Grid (1BOG) Expands Green Jobs Program for Newest Bay Area Campaign |
March 5, 2010 |
groSolar CEO To Speak at Two Leading Solar Conferences |
February 19, 2010 |
groSolar to Distribute and Install American-Made SOLON PV Modules |
February 10, 2010 |
groSolar and Yestermorrow Partner to Provide Solar Seminars |
February 4, 2010 |
Leilani Munter's 'Eco Dream-Team' Announces NASCAR Green Challenge |
February 3, 2010 |
groSolar and IEC Chesapeake Partner to Provide Solar Training Seminars |
January 28, 2010 |
groSolar to Install Solar System at Burlington's City Market |
January 27, 2010 |
groSolar CEO to testify before US Senate Committee |
January 22, 2010 |
groSolar and Locus Energy Accelerate Energy Monitoring |