Climate Change Presentation at groSolar May 11

   Posted By:    Jeff Wolfe

Date: April 24th, 2007

Category: Events

I’ll be presenting the full-length version of the Al Gore Inconvenient Truth slideshow at the groSolar offices on Friday, May 11, at 4:00. This presentation will be open to the public. We expect a good number of people in addition to groSolar’s White River Junction staff to attend. Click here for directions to groSolar’s offices.

Even if you’ve seen the movie, the slideshow is eye-opening. Significantly updated from the movie, it presents more depth and more focus. New slides reveal even greater evidence of the speed that climate change is occurring, as well as presenting what we can each do now, to solve the problem. For those who believe in climate change and for those who have doubts, for those who think they understand the science, and for those who do not, this is a great slideshow.

We’ll have a time for questions and answers after the presentation, and we’ll also have light refreshments so people can network around actions.

As always, I’m available for additional presentations to your group. Please contact me at [email protected] to schedule.

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