Posts Tagged ‘91x radio’

San Diego Solar Sweepstakes

  Posted By:  Amanda Gillen

Live in the San Diego area? Own a home and have SDG&E as your electric company? Interested in solar energy? Then sign up to win a chance at one of three $1,000 cash prizes or one lucky winner will get their home powered by the sun for free! Say what?! Free solar electritiy? Yep, that’s right. groSolar has partnered with 91x and Magic 92.5 to offer one lucky winnter free solar electricity. How do you apply? Go to or for full details and entry form. Apply online or fill out the sweepstakes form on the back of the 91X sticker (slap it on your car and you could win even more prizes!)

Check out the link to the radio commercial on 91X below. We got a kick out of it!

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