Posts Tagged ‘constant contact all star’

groSolar Named 2010 Constant Contact All Star

  Posted By:  Amanda Gillen


We were recently names a 2010 Constant Contact All Star. The criteria include:

  • communicate with customers and members for all four quarters of the year,
  • update their mailing lists often and obtain permission from all their subscribers to contact them,
  • have high open and click-through rates, and low bounce rates,
  • use mailing list sign-up tools like a “Join My Mailing List” (JMML) box on their website or our app on their Facebook Page,
  • use reports to gain insights about their contact list and online marketing activities, and
  • use our social media tools.
  • If they are an Online Survey customer, they have high survey completion rates.
  • If they are an Event Marketing customer, they have a high ratio of invitees who register for their events.
  • If they are one of our Partners, they make great use of their own or their clients’ accounts.

Less than 15% of Constant Contact customers receive All Star status. Yay us!