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Home Customer Spotlight Spotlight on California
Customer Spotlight: San Francisco, CA


Henrietta Light from San Francisco, California recently had groSolar install a 2.88kw solar power system on the roof of her house. Henrietta decided to go solar because her house is perfectly oriented with the sun and will allow her to get maximum power from her panels for most of the day. Henrietta used the SunRun financing program to help pay for her system. With SunRun, any California homeowner can sign up for a program in which they just pay for the power their solar electric system generates on a monthly basis, effectively switching their power company to the sun. But the SunRun Power plan gives Henrietta an 18 year contract for his solar electricity at a fixed price. In fact, she’s paying less per kilowatt hour for her solar electricity than she is currently paying from the local California power company, so he’s already saving money, but more importantly, he will never see a power-rate increase for her groSolar solar electricity during the life of the 18 year agreement. The SunRun financing program leverages state and federal incentives to make solar power available to homeowners without them having to invest a lot up front, but this program also gives homeowners in California, as well as Massachusetts and New Jersey a real energy-security policy because they can be assured that over the next 18 years they will have a continuous and affordable supply of clean solar electricity. Henrietta is doing her part to lessen her carbon footprint and she is doing it in an affordable way.